More than two hundred and thirty young people and their families took on the 22-week CHALLENGE of the Puerto Rico Youth ChalleNGe Academy last week with the objective of carrying out a process of educational and comprehensive transformation that leads to the conversion of a human being mature and skilled to continue with your goals.
Although it has been a very difficult week for the parents, who are also in an Acclimatization Phase, the candidates have shown some resilience in the face of the new “quasi-military” environment they are facing. This first week the Candidates face learning workshops to adapt to their new environment, manage coexistence, improve their self-esteem, increase their ability to work as a team, among others.
Getting up at 4:30 in the morning to continue a challenging agenda is for many young people more than a CHALLENGE; However, the more than two hundred and thirty Candidates remain focused and with their sights set on their next goal, achieving promotion to Cadets that makes them official students of this distinguished school. This event will occur next Saturday, April 30 at 9:00am
Once the CHALLENGE of the first two weeks has been overcome, the Candidates who make up this class will move on to the second phase, the academic phase, which seeks to instruct them in the subjects leading to achieving the fourth year high school diploma.

The Candidates of Class 22-01 remain attentive in training to the instructions of the CADRES.

A Sergeant instructs Candidates on the correct way to salute in the military environment.

Some activities take place outdoors.