Resilience and the empowerment of the decisions that women make for their lives were part of the topics that were discussed in the Conversation “Among Women” promoted by five military, professional women with the beautiful voluntary mission of supporting young people. with the purpose of enabling them to take charge of their lives wisely and effectively.
CPT Keyra Peña, SFC Chary Cotto, CPT Desireé Pascual, 2LT Zamia López, 1LT Sabrina Gutiérrez are outstanding soldiers in different branches of the military who combined their capabilities and life skills to sponsor young people who need support in their personal vision of the future. and in making decisions that allow you to be triumphant in your personal life; and therefore in the professional. In this case, the ladies impacted the Cadets of the first and seventh platoon of Class 24-02.
SFC Chary Cotto taught an excellent topic, resilience, directing the Cadets, Amazons and Valkyries, to visualize their strengths and work to fortify their weaknesses. One of the dynamics that most surprised the Cadets arose when SFC Cotto asked them to identify a classmate and describe the qualities they have observed in her. The result was surprising. Many young women selected by their peers did not recognize in themselves the way they project themselves to their peers, which resulted in a reinforcement of their self-esteem and greater self-confidence.
“I didn't know they saw me like that. “I am happy for everything they have told me,” said a young woman whom her classmates identify as a leader to follow. “Now I feel more responsibility towards them,” he added. While another young woman expressed, “I didn't know that my opinion was so important to my classmates, I recognize that they ask me about things and call me to help them; But I didn't recognize in myself that what I think about this or that situation they take into consideration. It has been a good dynamic”
Another dynamic that caused success among the young women was identifying positive things that happened the day before the talk. “The food was good” “I received letters” “I participated in the Color Guard Try Out” among other expressions caused the young women to discard the things that they understand were negative in their day, focusing on identifying the positive. “Now every day, think first about the positive and discard the negative so that you can see how your attitude towards life will change, the way you will see life will be better and therefore your days will be better.” argued the speaker who urged the young women to start writing as an exercise for mental relief. To begin with this recommendation, the godmothers, all military and professional leaders in different branches, gave the Cadets a notebook and pen; action highly appreciated by young people.
This activity is the first of several that the Committee has on the agenda with the Cadets to empower them with tools that allow them to successfully live every facet of life as capable women, leaders and enthusiasts with a view to achieving the proposed goals once they complete the great CHALLENGE of the Puerto Rico Youth ChalleNGe Academy.