The Cadets of Class 22-02 have been exposed to a variety of activities that complement the integration of components necessary for life transformation. Vocational courses, extracurricular activities, community services, competitions that promote leadership and participation in sporting events produce in young people a feeling of empowerment in different areas of their life.
Vocational courses allow young people to define their vocational interest and obtain a technical certificate that allows them to enter the world of work. Extracurricular activities constitute an important basis for reinforcing skills and abilities, all aimed at optimal performance in your personal life or in your professional future. Community services emphasize empathy for those in need, making them part of a process of community solidarity.
On the other hand, the promotion of activities that encourage leadership development has been very effective, especially when the Cadet himself accepts that he has managed to successfully overcome the fear of directing, supervising and making effective decisions even when others depend on these decisions. .
Complementing this citizen development transcends the education of the fourth year of high school by directing the character, abilities and reunifying the skills of the Cadet to complete the transformation towards a responsible citizen. The experiences to which Cadets are exposed goes beyond the educational process; They also provoke an enthusiasm in the young person that drives them to want to achieve additional goals or objectives than those they had planned when they accepted the CHALLENGE of the Puerto Rico Youth ChalleNGe Academy.
With just under two months left for the two hundred and thirteen Cadets to achieve their fourth-year diploma, future plans are intensifying to immediately begin a successful life skills process.
